Tips for Maintaining a Positive Attitude
Author: Nikki Barnett Date Posted:23 August 2021

How To Improve Your Life And Health With Happy Daily Vibes
Do you think the term ‘power of positive thinking’ is an old cliché? Well, those who embrace it every day would strongly disagree and tell you it works wonders! Regardless of the circumstances and problems that life presents, we can all adopt a positive attitude if we just put our minds to it.
The only obstacle to positivity is our brains, which are hard-wired to avidly search for threats. It’s a basic survival mechanism that dates back to when we were hunter-gatherers. Back then, we were protecting ourselves from very real threats. Today, we find it hard to adapt and tend to psychologically prepare ourselves for the worst outcomes.
At The Hamper Emporium, we think it’s vital to believe we can succeed and put positivity into practice every day. It’s mind over matter, together with little indulgent self-care gift ideas. So, here’s how we try to stay positive and keep our ‘happy faces’ on, no matter what life throws our way!
How Maintaining A Positive Mindset Can Benefit You
There’s no doubt about it; studies have shown that being positive can benefit all aspects of your life. Pessimism is bad for your health and wellbeing!
Maintaining positive vibes will improve your overall health and can even add up to ten years to your life. Research says optimists have much lower levels of cardiovascular disease, and being pessimistic can also weaken our immune system. Although we don’t really understand why - staying healthy means learning to think positive thoughts and staying cheerful.
Being optimistic and understanding how to be positive isn’t just good for your health. It’s also been found to improve performance, helping with career advancement and financial success. Emotions like appreciation and gratitude affect every area of our lives and all our relationships too. Positive people tend to attract more friends, and their personal relationships last longer. It’s the key to contentment and enduring happiness!
10 Tips For Self-care And How To Stay Positive Against The Odds
The ability to turn our pessimistic thoughts into positive tendencies just takes a little know-how and effort. Anyone can transform themselves through simple daily routines and techniques. These can create lasting changes to our behaviour that have an immense impact on us and everyone around us.
Life will always send us unexpected challenges, so here are our ideas on staying positive no matter what!
1. Subtly Change Your Perspective
Adopting a positive attitude always starts with changing the way you see things. If you believe something will be negative, then it likely will be. Positivity breeds positive outcomes. So, challenge your feelings and embrace the new mindset of a successful doer. The saying ‘if there’s a will, there’s a way’ describes this new perspective perfectly.
2. Treat Yourself To Daily Self-care
Taking care of your mental and physical health is key to not being overwhelmed. When you’re trying to move forward with a positive outlook, it’s vital to relax and treat yourself. Self-care ideas can be as simple as a soak in the bath with a glass of wine. Just ensure you unwind, de-stress, have some “you” time, or do something you love.
3. Be Attentive And Mindful
Staying positive and fighting back those negative tendencies means being alert and constantly in touch with your feelings. Most things in life are not personal attacks, and learning to accept criticism or failure is vital. Never succumb to letting fear take over and try to remain convinced that things happen for a reason and will work out for the best.
4. Create A Positive Lifestyle
Make your home and environment a positive space and surround yourself with like-minded positive people. They will keep you happy, raise you up, provide constant support and encourage you to strive for the very best. Bring positivity to others too by being generous, respectful, loyal and open-minded. Positive energy is always a two-way street.
5. Always Practice Being Thankful
Being grateful for the small things we enjoy every day can slowly help us see just how amazing our lives are. Focussing on all the good instead of the bad will instantly make us feel happier and more optimistic. Constantly dwelling on problems or things we can’t change just causes distress and will never get us anywhere. Give thanks for what you do have!
6. Enjoy The Simple Things
Our modern society of luxury and material things does not make us more worthy. Move away from these empty ideals and focus on real-life and the simple things that bring you joy. Nature is always a wonderful way to inspire positive feelings and bring pleasure into your life. Treat yourself to some daily time outdoors, embrace natural spaces and watch the sunsets.
7. Listen To Beautiful Music
Your favourite music is guaranteed to make you feel more positive, so compile some feel-good playlists. You can use it as one of your daily ways to relax or let your stress out by singing and dancing. Evoke lovely memories with old songs, listen to the messages it sends, then get ready to boost your mood. Listening to music will release dopamine for a feel-good factor.
8. Start Each Day Optimistically
Set the tone by starting your mornings with an optimistic outlook. It will influence the whole day, and a positive vibe will often lead to an enjoyable, stress-free time. Think something positive, linger over a delicious breakfast or treat yourself to small wellness gifts. Constructive thinking, pampering and exercise will all fill you with energy for your coming day.
9. Remind Yourself Not Give Up
When things look bleak, it’s essential to always look for the light at the end of the tunnel. If you can’t see how things will ever pick up, just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Stay focussed and keep optimism at the forefront of your mind. Life has a unique way of evening itself out, and taking small actions encourages something positive to happen!
10. Spread A Sunshine Smile
We all smile when we’re happy, but smiling can also make us feel happy! Smiling is one of the keys to staying positive, especially in a negative environment. It’s well worth practising even when we really don’t feel like it, or we’re alone. So break out that big, beautiful smile, give yourself a weekend treat and spread it around to everyone.
A Friendly Hand With Wellness Gifts From The Hamper Emporium
It can sometimes be challenging to stay positive constantly, but keep your head up and trust that everything will be ok. Treat yourself kindly, and remember to take that time every day to de-stress, relax and reward yourself. The power of positive thinking can never be underestimated.
If you’re looking for self-care gift basket ideas for your stressed-out friend or to pamper yourself, then we can help. You don’t have to worry about what to put in a self-care hamper as they are all packed with love. From soothing skin products to little indulgences, they will add some sparkle and optimism to your day. While our lives may not always be in control, our thoughts certainly are. Go on - you deserve it!