How To Boldly Stick To Your 2020 New Year Resolutions
Author: Nikki Barnett Date Posted:6 January 2020

Make New Year's Resolutions That Work For You!
The New Year is finally here, and with it comes an important tradition. New Year's resolutions!
The first few days of 2020 brings exciting new beginnings and the perfect time to make some new priorities or set some lifestyle goals.
Our team at The Hamper Emporium has been mulling over our resolutions and shared thoughts on how we are boldly going to stick to them. Of course, this includes regular rewards like perfect pamper hampers and other motivational pamper gifts to keep us going!
Be Inspired In 2020
This year, don’t set yourself up for failure. Make a resolution list with meaningful and inspirational goals that you will thoroughly enjoy. Try easy lifestyle tweaks or a new mindset that will leave you feeling fantastic and optimistic about the coming months. Be convinced it will be the best year ever!
Here are our tips on how to remain calm and de-stressed, feel alive, and organise your busy life. There are easy ways to make resolutions that are a catalyst for making your life more positive. To give you the impetus for sticking with the change, take care of yourself with perfect pamper hampers and small treats.
We've got lots of fresh ideas to help you on your way!
Make Each New Year's Resolution Worth Your While
Unfortunately, statistics show that nearly 80% of New Year resolutions are dropped by mid-February. That’s not an impressive figure! So, remember that this year, it's also time to put yourself first with some encouragement and incentives like perfect pamper hampers. The key to boldly sticking to your New Year’s resolutions is making the process enjoyable and achievable.
Or, maybe you want to take your goals for 2020 to a new level. Breaking unhealthy habits, smashing personal best records, or breaking new ground is thrilling. High goals are entirely appropriate for some people, especially those with a desire to expand their limits. However, for most of us, keeping it simple and being bold enough to stick at them is enough.
Current Top 10 New Year Resolutions
- Exercise regularly
- Improve organisation skills
- Lose some weight
- Master new skills or a new hobby
- Stop smoking or break a habit
- Spend less money and save more
- Do more travelling
- Spend time with friends & family
- Increase book reading or study
- Live life to the fullest
5 Ideas For Brave New Year Resolutions
Instead of sticking with these standard resolutions, 2020 is the ideal opportunity to take a new perspective. As a new decade begins, resolve to make changes to your mindset. Turn failures into life lessons, replace negative with positive and delight yourself with perfect pamper hampers and fun gifts. You will soon be refreshed inside and out!
- Adopt A Positive Outlook
There are no drawbacks to achieving a positive outlook. The power of positive thinking has untold physical and mental benefits. Choose to start each day as if it will be good and smile at everyone. Avoid arguments, be gentle in your actions, and find humour in every bad situation that occurs. Be firm and confident. Practise mindfulness or meditation if you think it will help you achieve your positivity goals.
- Change Your Mindset
Make mental health and connecting to people a priority in 2020. Ditch messaging or texts and actually talk to people one on one. Restrict your time on social media or stop it completely for a month. Don’t hide from things that make you anxious, whether it’s an awkward discussion or a situation that needs resolving. Take it slowly if you need to, but form your resolutions around empowerment, begin to move forward and enjoy your perfect pamper hampers!
- Be Spontaneous
We can forget to be spontaneous and ‘seize the day’ when every hour is scheduled at work and play. So, reduce your commitments and allow some space for impulse. It’s not about being cool, it’s about fun and quality time. Start some new traditions. Commit to a monthly meet-up with friends and have some last-minute adventures together. Cook from scratch every week with your family and bring surprise ingredients. Never be afraid to ditch something boring and spontaneously enjoy something new!
- Style A Whole New You
Promise yourself a great new haircut or outfit; it will do wonders for your morale. New Year resolutions are not just about committing to difficult changes! Try somewhere new to eat every week, or start a new course or project. Simple things like having a clear-out, revamping your wardrobe or getting more sleep are just as important, as is indulging in perfect pamper hampers. Starting small will help you feel fantastic and help you to boldly achieve your desires.
- Develop An Eco-friendly Nature
The festive season is a stark reminder of those less fortunate and inspires many to help those around them. Making this world a better place, in whatever way you can, should be high on your list of resolutions for 2020. Find opportunities to donate time to good causes, charities and anyone local who needs help. It will make your resolutions a joy to complete and spread the feel-good factor wide and far.
Remember the environment too, and vow to make a difference, however small. Recycling or energy-saving are becoming a big deal globally and are absolutely crucial to our world. Pledge to recycle all your bottles and plastic and reuse every item you can. Donate old clothes, drive the most efficient car, start a compost heap! Share your perfect pamper hampers with others. Whatever you choose to do, it will make New Year resolutions different and satisfying!
10 Key Ways To Make Those Resolutions Stick
- Focus mainly on one thing
- Make it something meaningful
- Plan your steps for success
- Anticipate any potential problems
- Fix the date in your mind
- Commit to ‘go for it’
- Track your own progress
- Stay accountable & motivated
- Persevere even if you fail
- Celebrate each small success
Always Reward Yourself For Success!
Rewarding yourself for achieving goals is something that is all too often forgotten. Small rewards like perfect pamper hampers offer encouragement and motivation to keep you on track and committed. Some days may be harder than others, so enjoying something special when you achieve goals is an absolute must!
Savour a new book, an afternoon siesta, a day out with friends or an evening at the movies. Feel proud about what you have achieved so far. Every month as you move forward, treat yourself to something extra special that you will look forward to.
Check out our full range of decadent gift hampers for inspiration on ways to pamper yourself and renew your energy. Always keep in mind that you deserve it and use it as the impetus to move forward.
Whatever your resolutions and goals are, we wish you luck and success in 2020!