A Guide To Holiday Season Self-Care
Author: Michelle Richards Date Posted:20 December 2021

10 Stress-Busting Tips For Surviving This Festive Season
The Christmas holidays are long-awaited and will be such a wonderful time of the year. However, for many, the planning, preparation and festivities can sometimes be fraught with stress. There’s also excitement from seeing loved ones and a whole range of pure emotions from happy to sad.
At The Hamper Emporium, we know how busy it gets in the whirl of work, shopping for Christmas gift ideas, hosting and whipping up tasty treats. This year, the pandemic has added an extra challenge and a whole new level of stress for many people. Full of hustle and bustle, it’s all too easy to forget about taking care of yourself and having some ‘relax’ time.
Why self-care is important during the holidays
The Christmas period can be fraught with deadlines, extra organisation, cooking for a crowd, gift shopping, and a long line of visitors for some, or a too-quiet house for others. While the extra festivities can be fun and rewarding, it's also important to avoid extra stress and burnout. Remember to enjoy the season by taking time for yourself and not taking on too many extra responsibilities.
So, here’s our quick guide and some useful ideas on self-care this holiday season. Give yourself a break, try some of these suggestions, and prepare to fully enjoy every moment of this special time. Each tip is a way to improve your sense of wellbeing and can be ways to manage your mental health. Those around you are sure to benefit from that extra buzz of positive energy too!
Think about yourself for once
Give yourself permission for some time off and a little indulgence. It’s perfectly ok to include a self-care routine or even time out with an indulgent and pampering self care hamper, in your plans for each day. You can’t care for others when you’re feeling exhausted, run-down or over-emotional. Remember, you deserve joy over the holidays and the chance to fully appreciate the season. Don't be so busy taking care of everyone else that you forget yourself.
Get prepared and organised
When life is about to get super busy, planning ahead is the only way to avoid extra stress and make sure things go well. Get organised early, make lists, and limit feeling overwhelmed. You can break down big tasks into small steps, and there’s absolutely no harm in asking for some help. Reach out or allocate jobs if you need an extra hand!
Indulge in good food
Gourmet food and wine are one of the indulgences at Christmas, and in many ways, it’s great to have a ‘chocolate for breakfast’ attitude. But you do need to balance this with healthy, high energy foods which make you feel good. Enjoy all the trimmings and treats, but don’t eat everything just because it’s there. Savour your favourite treats, but be sure to add in some nutritious sides instead of one more cookie.
Sleep well sweet dreams
Nothing helps those stress levels more than good quality sleep and an afternoon snooze or two. It recharges your batteries like nothing else. Take some time to calm your mind and make sure your bedroom is filled with peace and tranquillity. Try to establish a good routine for sleeping, and if you can’t get your full eight hours, sneak off somewhere quiet later in the day.
Exercise body and brain
Include some daily exercise in your holiday plans. Refresh your tired brain with some coffee and a crossword puzzle or take to the yoga mat for an hour. Make sure to be outside in the sunshine whenever you can and coax loved ones into daily walks or swimming trips. It doesn’t have to be as energetic as going for a marathon run; it can be anything that wakes up your body and mind.
Do more things you love
Taking care of yourself also means finding time to enjoy the activities that you adore. Whether you visit the gym, get green-fingered in the garden or go fishing, don’t do less of it. Try to do more. Close your laptop, switch off the phone, delve into delicious chocolates and read a good book or listen to music. Make some time for mindfulness in your busy holiday schedule so it makes you feel calm and relaxed. If lighting a candle, and curling up with your journal and a few chocolate treats sounds like your idea of heaven, spoil yourself with our Little Luxury hamper.
Laugh until you cry
Humour and seeing the funny side of things has to be one of the best stress reducers around. Laughter is a great way to cope with any challenging situation, and it’s highly infectious. Take every opportunity to laugh during the holidays and watch the faces around you light up. Watch funny movies, play fun games and call someone who makes you laugh every day too!
Always count each blessing
At the end of any year, it can be easy to have regrets or feel guilty or frustrated about things we’ve left unfinished. Life is for learning about ourselves, and Christmas and New Year is about new beginnings and inspiring changes around us. So, forget any imperfections and start thinking about your blessings. Gratitude for the small things in life is what makes it even more wonderful.
The joy of giving
Remember the true spirit of Christmas 2020 while you’re in the middle of potential holiday chaos. Take some time to be extra generous to those who are less fortunate. Cheer up a friend with Christmas gift ideas they love, find a local charity to get passionate about, or make an effort to reach out to someone who is alone. There are so many others in need, so choose something close to heart.
Face mask and chill
Keep breathing and make some time for stillness as well as the stimulation of the holidays. Choose an evening when you can completely focus on self-care and feel refreshed and ready to face a new day. Treat yourself to some indulgent products or a pamper hamper, put on a silky smooth robe and light some candles. Take a soothing bath with essential oils, sit back with a glass of your favourite wine, and cuddle up to relax. If luscious skincare, a silky robe, bath salts, a candle, chocolates, and more are what you're craving, you'll love our L'Occitane Cherry Blossom & Chandon Hamper.
A Christmas Message From The Hamper Emporium
The holiday season can be overwhelming so try not to lose yourself in the whirl of activities. Take moments each day to enjoy the little things that make you happy. Savour a sunrise or watch the sun go down, breathe in the fresh air. Enjoy a leisurely cup of coffee, phone a friend or play with your furry friends. Order yourself a decadent self care hamper or spoil yourself with a fabulous Christmas hamper to make you smile.
It’s the smallest things in life which have the biggest impact. Take care of yourself this holiday season and make sure you cherish each and every loved one this year.